Day 1 - Hyderabad to Tadoba National Park.
Distance: 480 km via AH43/NH7
Road Condition: First 350 km absolute carpet like road. Bad stretch of 100 & 30 km very bad stretch.
The best part about any road trip is the food one could enjoy, and NH7 offers plenty of desi dhabas for the foodies.
Tadoba is the largest national park in Maharashtra covering 625 sq kilometers. Spot booking for jungle safari can be done at any of the entry gates for Rs.3250 per jeep. Jeep charges Rs.2000, camera lens over 250mm are charged at Rs 200, guide charges Rs.300 & entry fee is Rs.750. Entry fee is Rs.250 more on weekends. One can also take their car into the park which would cost around Rs.2250. Safari bookings are payable only by cash. Do plan your trip keeping in mind the weekly holiday of the park that falls on every Tuesday.
Basking In The Sun |
The park has abundant teak that adds more charm, and the primary source of water is a huge lake that is beaming with water even during summer. This is one of the few parks where entry is not restricted just to the buffer zone. They have multiple entry gates for buffer and core zone. However, the best zone for wildlife sighting is Morhali.
Wild Dog |
We were left intrigued by the stone pillars at the entrance of Morhali zone and we were informed by our guide that these used to be antique lamps posts during the Gond period.
Malabar Pied Hornbill |
Star attractions of the park are Tigers, Leopards, sloth bear, wild boar, nilgai, barking deer and more. We stayed for 2 days and had great safaris. Spotted highly camouflaged Savanna Nightjar with chick, sloth bear, wild dog, bison with calf, beautiful Indian roller, malabar pied hornbill, jackal, woodpecker. It is a great experience to see wildlife in their natural habitat. The silence inside the jungle is golden and soothes your ears that are constantly exposed to high levels of noise pollution. The birds chirping, warning calls from potential prey, mating call... they all seem to be music. Once inside the park, one would not have the heart to leave.
Savanna Nightjar With Chick |
There is never a dull moment inside the jungle and every experience is unique. One would never know what surprise nature has in store.
True That |
We checked into
Royal tiger resort which is only 500 mt away from the entry gate. Rooms were reasonably priced and food was exceptionally good, the service was also good. They have car park and lawn. Downside being - they don't offer complimentary breakfast. Cleanliness standards of rooms could be better.
After our sojourn in Tadoba, we headed to
Pench National Park.